
The devil in the blue dress book
The devil in the blue dress book

the devil in the blue dress book

“When I opened the door I was slapped in the face by the force of Lips’ alto horn. Within the first 50 pages, Walter Mosley takes us through the back door of a little market at the corner of Central Avenue and 89th Place in Los Angeles and into an illegal black nightclub: I enjoyed this first adventure with Easy Rawlins and look forward to reading more.Reflexively you blink from the sting of the dark, smoky surroundings and lick your lips to wipe away the taste of the cheap Scotch, as the sweet sounds of an alto saxophone whine up out of the pages of this richly atmospheric detective novel of the ‘40s. It also kept me guessing, not knowing who was behind the crimes and the violence until the very end. This unique, intricate mystery kept me captivated through all of its fast-paced action and tense suspense. His local friends in Watts, an African-American community in LA, help him, as well as some old friends from Houston, where Easy grew up. Through it all, Easy survives getting arrested, beaten, crossing paths with organized crime, and yes, finding Daphne, as well as a suitcase full of money. That begins a twisty, dark, suspenseful mystery that leads Easy all over the city, as the bodies pile up. Easy follows the clues, not only to find Miss Monet but also to save lives, including his own. He's not discreet enough, though, because soon, people around him begin to die violent deaths. He reluctantly agrees to look for Miss Monet and begins to make discreet inquiries around town. Normally, this sort of thing would sound too shady for Easy to get involved in, but he did just lose his job, and he needs to make his mortgage payment in order to hang onto his house, which is very important to him. He offers Easy a job, saying that Joppy recommended him: to find a white woman named Daphne Monet, whose photo shows her to be a beautiful young woman.

the devil in the blue dress book

It's odd enough to see a white man in Joppy's, but this man is especially pale, with pale eyes, and is wearing a white linen suit and Panama hat, making him stand out even more. He's in his friend Joppy's bar, when a white man walks in. In 1948 Los Angeles, black WWII veteran Easy Rawlins has just been fired from his job at a defense plant. I enjoyed Devil in a Blue Dress, with its likable main character and twisty, suspenseful mystery. Until then, I had no idea he had such range, writing mysteries, science fiction, YA, and even family dramas (with a slight sci fi twist), like Ptolemy Grey (highly recommended!). This was the first Mosley mystery I have read, after loving his novel, The Last Days of Ptolemy Grey, and hearing him speak for our All-County Reads program in 2015. The last book I read for the fall RIP XIV Challenge last month was Devil in a Blue Dress by Walter Mosley, the first book in his popular and award-winning Easy Rawlins mystery series.

The devil in the blue dress book